Military time to standard calculator
Military time to standard calculator

#Military time to standard calculator how to#

The calculator also prompts you with how to read the military time ( seventeen hundred (hours) in our case). The result appears underneath: in regular time (12-hour format), it's 5:00 PM.Enter the military time into the proper box - 1700 for our example.Here we'd like to convert military time to standard time, so that's the default value, and we don't need to change anything. Let's check how to solve two real-life questions: With our military time converter, you can quickly do both conversions. 12h00.m ( meridiem, not used very often nowadays). The most logical way would be to say noon, or 00h00. This is better than the 12-hour system, where the abbreviations come from Latin: p.m. Noon is much more straightforward in military time, as there's no confusion - it's always 1200 (12:00). Monday at 24:00 is meaning the same as Tuesday at 00:00. Train arriving during the last minute of a day gets to the station at 24:00, but train departing during the first minute of the day leaves at 00:00 In some applications, both versions may be used: 0000 to notate midnight in military time when it is the start of the day or activity, but 2400 for activities or days ending. However, 0000 is preferred, as it usually applies to the start of the new day (digital watches and clocks use 0000). Midnight in military time may be expressed as both 00.

military time to standard calculator

Zero-zero-zero-zero / Zero hundred hours or Twenty-four hundred (hours)Įxpressing noon and midnight can lead to some confusion, not only in the military time but also on the standard 12-hour clock:

Military time to standard calculator